6. Opening Ceremony SeaTeacher Batch 7

On Friday 18, we had an opening ceremony which held in Educ Building. The first speech was opened by Asst. Prof. Leonila Wilhelmina N. Baltazar, MbioEd as Principal, UST Education High School. She told about The SEAL of Thomasian Education or 21st-century skill attributes of an ideal Thomasian Graduate.
It used as bases in designing the student's development programs of the office for student affairs which are also apparent in the operational plan and student activity project proposals of student organizations. Then, Ms. Pamela Kristina P. Apacible as the president and CEO of SOCC ( Student Organizations Coordinating Council).
The speech that I was waiting for was finally started. The speech was represented by Marishiri P. Tropicales, Ph.D. as the Principal of UST junior high school. Firstly she talks about The Philippine Education System. Kindergarten level (start from 5 years old), Elementary school consists of grade 1 to 6 (6-11 years old), Junior High School consists of Grade 7 to 10 (12-15 years old), and Senior High School consists of Grade 11 to 12 (16-17 years old). After that, she talks more about K to 12 Curriculum, Brain-based learning, and principles. The following speech was about Assessment and Evaluation represented by Mr. Vincent V. Caparas, MmathEd which exactly told about assessment in the K to 12 Basic Education Program.

After that speech, we had some meals at the back of the room called “Mami” It is kind of noodle with vegetables and a bowled egg on it. We also take some pictures with all the educators and the buddies who come to the room at that time. I had some much fun that day!!


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2. On the way to Philippines

11. Teaching practice